US ESTA applicaiton

Applicants' passports must be valid, full validity, machine readable, e-passport with an electronic chip. From 1st April 2016 all travellers will require an e-passport for travel.

Criminal records / Overstays / Denied entry
Those with criminal records OR overstayed US visas OR denied entry unreported during previous US visa applications must apply for the B1/B2 visa. Please go back to the previous screen.

Past travel to OR dual nationals of Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria or Yemen
Those who travelled to Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria or Yemen on/after 1st March 2011 OR are dual nationals of these countries are not eligible for the ESTA and must apply for the B1/B2 visa. Please go back to the previous screen.


Visa conditions
Allowed activities
The following non-paid-for activities are allowed under the ESTA programm: tourism, visiting friends/relatives, business visits.

Length of allowed stay
Maximum stay is up to 90 days from the day of entry. If transiting to Canada, Mexico or the adjacent islands, the traveller may re-enter the United States on the return journey as long as the total visit, including both periods of time spent in transit and in final destinations does not exceed 90 days.

ESTA length
The ESTA is valid from the date of issue for two years or until passport expiry date, whichever is shorter.


Handling fee

Type of visa

Processing time in the Consulate

Consulate fee Handling fee (exc VAT) Total (inc. VAT)
ESTA (1-10 days) £12 ($14) £65 £82


Embassies and Consulates Listing A-Z

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